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Welcome to the #ScreamSmart Voice Training!

Singers of Pop, Soul, Blues, Rock and Metal Genres, Vocal Coaches and Voice Teachers, Voice Therapists, Actors, Voice Artists,...

"What are Vocal Effects?"
"What unites and what defines them?"
"What exactly is happening physiologically?"
"Can everyone learn them? And if so... HOW?"
"Is it dangerous or harmful to the voice?"

These are very good questions and we try to answer them.


Here are some audios of applied vocal effects

False Chord Scream - with voice: 1

transition from Grunt to Growl: 1

Compressed Mixed Voice with Rasp: 1

transition from spreaking to Growl: 1

Rock Scream | "Rattle" in Headvoice: 1

Pop Growl (by Mirjam von Eigen): 3

Grunt | Deep Growl: 1

"DeathScream": 1

1 taken from Songs of my Band NUUK HARBOUR. ©2020 Nuuk Harbour
2 taken from Songs of my Band Dust II Dust. ©2017 Dust II Dust
3 taken from PHARAO Musical ©2012 Marko Osterholz